Anxiety is a normal response of the body to stress but when it happens without any reason to the extreme point, it turns into a disorder. Do you know how it feels to be anxious without any reason in crowds, even in isolated places, even with friends and families that know you and you can’t seem to figure out if this is normal and why and what is happening,? People tend to confuse sadness with anxiety and anxiety with depression because of lack of awareness and misinformation regarding mental health issues. Anxiety can create a barrier for your daily social and psychological well-being.


The exact cause is unknown but according to the school of thought, the cause is a mixture of changes in the brain and environment stress, genetics, past family history with mental disorders.


It will depend on the type of anxiety :

  • PANIC DISORDER: causes recurrent episodes of panic attacks triggered by unknown reason with constant fear for the next attack.
  • SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER: causes extreme detachment to run away from social groups, situations which can sometimes be associated with fear of judgment by others.
  • PHOBIA: causes unknown fear and anxiety of a specific object, situations, place, activity.
  • HEALTH ANXIETY DISORDER: causes extreme anxiety about your health by constant fear and anxiety to go to the doctor even when you are fine.
  • GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER: causes generalized fear and worry, nightmares, unable to sleep, increased heart rate, trouble in concentration, restlessness all the time with unknown reasons.

Some of the common symptoms include:

  • Faint or dizziness
  • Fear
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Worry
  • Stress
  • Numbness and tingling


  • It can be confirmed by the symptoms, past family history and complete psychological evaluation by the psychiatrist.
  • MANAGING STRESS: can be helpful to reduce potential triggers than can anxiety by listing things which can cause anxiety-like organizing pressure -related work, taking rest in between work, organizing everything beforehand can all reduce stress.
  • PSYCHOTHERAPY: by changing harmful and negative thought of worry and fear to positive thoughts by using cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • COMMUNICATION: is a very effective step to talk out your fears to your families and friends to reduce stress.
  • MEDICATIONS: include anti-depressants, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers.

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